Why Clean Central Heat & Air Systems?

Why Clean Central Heat & Air Systems?

FACT:  9 out of 10 system failure are caused by dirt and dust. (LCES)

Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

FACT :  Clean  systems restore capacity and lessen running time. Translation : Savings on monthly heating/cooling bills. (LCES)

FACT:  A build up of .042 inches of dirt on a heating or cooling coil can result in decrease in efficiency of 21%.

(EPA )Environmental Protection Agency

FACT:  Most commercially purchased fiberglass filters are only 7% efficient in filtering dirt, dust, pollen, etc. (ASHRAE)

FACT: 50% of all illinesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air.

(American College Allergists)

FACT:  One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to the fungi and bacteria in air duct systems. (Total Health & Better Health Magazines)

FACT: Legionnaire’s Disease was spawned ir air conditioning ducts. It killed 29 people in 1976. (American Lung Assoc.)

FACT:  In the summer of 1988, at least 7 people died in the Los Angeles area from Legionnaire’s Disease.

(Modesto Bee 9/22/88)

FACT:  Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted air – they breathe faster, inhale more are per unit of body weight and are closer to the ground where concentrations are higher.

(Dept. of consumer Affairs)

FACT: The elderly, asthmatics, and people with breathing problems, allergies, and lung diseases are also likely to be more sensitive to pollutants.

(Dept. of consumer Affairs)

FACT:  Most people spend 60-90% of their time indoors.

(ALA) American Lug Association

FACT:  Indoor air is found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air.

(EPA )Environmental Protection Agency